September 11, 2008

"Women's sufferaging leads to men's suffering"

"Give a woman an inch, and she'll demand a mile. Give a woman the right to vote, and she'll use it for all the wrong reasons". Two very good points that validate why the female vote doesn't matter. All it does is upset the balance of an election and funnel interest towards a candidate that anyone with a partial brain would otherwise avoid on the streets. This is exactly what's going on today and it's all the fault of a female Governer of Alaska... Sarah Palin. Here's a woman that came out of the woodwork and changed the terrain of the playing field of a campaign that came close to being D.O.A. rolling off the momentum of the Democratic National Convention. Call McCain a "nit-wit" or whatever you want however, while he was taking off all those days in recent months to get "rest", he was secretly getting ready to shock the women of America with his big gun, Sarah Palin.

When Hillary Clinton finally threw in the towel and gave up, there was a brief period of an empty void where the women voters were without a candidate that reflected who they are. Let me tell you something here... The fact that McCain chose a woman to campaign alonside him is exactly what it is, a smokescreen to cover up the real issues going into 2009. Let's face it. The majority of women voters have no interest in politics. Ask them who's in charge of the U.S. and they shrug their shoulders. Along comes Palin with her Japanese made eyeglasses, designer cosmetics and clothing and shoes that came from Sax Fifth Avenue, and that's what women find most interesting. In just the few weeks that she's been in international news, 99% of women still can't name anything that she's done to change Alaska however, ask them where Sarah Palin bought her shoes on sale and they'll tell you. The day after her big speech at the Republican National Convention, phones at Pearle Vision stores across the country were getting swarmed with calls and inquiries about where to buy Sarah Palin's glasses. Again, ask the same women about Alaska's "bridge to nowhere" and you'll get a blank stare. That's exactly what McCain's camp was hoping for as birds of a feather more than often stick together. She hasn't done anything for anyone yet, managed to steal quite a bit of votes away from Obama leaving this race in a dead heat. She's already being called a "Hero" and already has her own action figure which looks like it was made from bits and pieces left over from "The Matrix" toys that didn't sell. Sarah Palin is wearing a skirt and a dark trench coat. All that's missing is a machine gun in each hand and then she'd look like "Trinity". If she's to have any fun, you need to team her up with G.I. Joe because there is no McCain or Obama toys on the market. A partnership with Joe wouldn't last anyway. He's a fighter like she is however, he just wants a pretty woman to make him a hot meal. Sarah wouldn't do that for him.

It's a shame that women worked so hard for a long time to get the right to vote and waste that vote at the beginning of the 1920's when the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was written. The women back then actually did give a damn and their fight held good cause. That was before anyone had a clue as to what "Victoria's Secret" would be in the future. In a simpler time like back then, "Victoria's Secret" was the town tramp who would get stoned to death in the town square once the community found out she was an adultress! Looking back on history, if those women had any idea whatwas coming down the pike almost 100 years later and how their vote might matter but, not be taken seriously, they'd have given up. That's what should happen in 2008... A ratification of the 19th Amendment that states "Givw women the right to vote, but only if they know what the hell is they're voting about"! Case closed!

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