December 04, 2007

"Ready for some cuddling and snuggling"

(AP) Sudan, Africa- A class project went haywire for a British school teacher on assignment at a grade school. The 50+ woman almost got her head chopped of for naming the classroom mascot after Muslim's most holy name of Muhammed. The axe was getting sharpened while the lady and her apologies fell on deaf ears. Finally. by the goodness of the British Parliment and the President of Sudan, she's now off the hook however, was escorted to an airplane to send her back home. Good for her!
This is what makes America such a nifty place to live! Your kids can name their teddy bears after anyone they want BUT, there's knockoffs and imposters this Christmas season that can quite frankly, fool even the most cautious shopper. The biggest scam going involves Tickle Me Elmo TMX. Brain damaged consumers should be aware that after adding $20 to the Muppet, the package reads: Giggle Me Elmo TMX. Not only do the Chinese add lead to every toy they export...they can't even get the packaging right. Keep that in mind when shopping for the Borack Obama teddy bear you accidently pick up the Osama Bin Laden teddy bear. Yes, that's enough to make Teddy Roosevelt spin in his grave!