October 09, 2007

"Return of The Ailing Pig"!!! ..Let's hope.

Hospital Rules 101
God bless all the Doctors and Nurses at St. Margaret Mercy Hospital who managed to F*%$ UP what I thought was an overnight visit and turn it into an adventure. All I needed was a safari hat. You know, before they do anything to you, they have to shoot you up with lots of dope. Within the next 30 minutes you will be bombarded by all kinds of hospital staffers who will introduce themselves and expect you to remember names. When someone asks, "Who did this to you?" never say that it was an Indian Doctor...You see, that hurts their feelings because Pakistan, Afghanastan and Israel are not geographically related on the map.
Here's one thing you SHOULD do: Whatever may fit into your suitcase, stuff it in. Heck, you paid for it anyway. Soap, shampoo, and all the way down to the bedspread. If the television weren't bolted to the wall, that would be going with me too.
After six weeks literally tied to the bed, I noticed one thing: A hospital is a place much like this planet used to be. Blacks, Whites, Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Germans, Hispanics and a few Polish women to get the floors spic and span and clean the crapper. Yeah, there was a lot of backstabbing and talking behind one another's back amongst themselves but hey, in the end everyone got along well. Matter of fact, there was so much love in the air (people that loved their jobs as well as their co-workers) that it's a shame the hospital roof can't open up to let some of the good stuff loose. As for their medical wisdom...that is somewhat of a different story.