May 05, 2009

The Final Post

Dear Friends:
"All good things must come to and end so, it goes without saying, a silly blog like this should be given one, final eulogy. What began as no more than "tom foolery" years ago ended up becoming a lesson in life itself. I've posted my thoughts on various random blurbs of gargle that have taken me through the trials and tribulations of what is my life. This little blog has taken me through the highs and lows of one area of my life that included love, marriage, birth of a daughter, several near death experiences, and divorce.
Truth is, life doesn't always go as expected. Like the children's game "Chutes and Ladders", I too have climbed higher and higher just to land on that space with the slide each and every time. I still managed to keep trying again. Just like a kid who can't stand to lose at anything, I was ready to flip the damn game over and throw it against the wall!

...and so this must end as it is. This entire library has been copied and saved. If cyberspace is said to continue forever, this will be part of it now as a gift to my beautiful daughter, Arianna.

The future goes on. I'm at a point in my life that is focused and my health the best in over a decade. I'm enjoying life more than ever. With God's Will, I plan on being around for a while yet...err I hope. There are no cryptic messages or clues left behind...

Thanks to everyone over the years. I hope to continue my writings and rambling so look for me on the web AND BELIEVE ME, I still have a LOT TO SAY!

Now excuse me, while I shut down and go OUTSIDE to play with Arie...

