April 16, 2009

"...And a bottle of Rum"

"Weirdo" Johnny Depp has managed to do it again! This time, he's managed to put the word, "pirates" into our everyday conversation as we hear about all the shenanigans going on in the Indian Ocean with cargo ships. Somebody has to take the blame for this mess and it may as well be him. I'd like to blame Dustin Hoffman for his role in "Hook" however, nobody saw that movie, and considering he made the flop "Ishtar" soon after, his career has suffered enough! The last time I heard the term "Pirates" was back in the days when people had cable tv and VHS tapes... If you happened to tap into your next door neighbor's cable line without paying, or borrowed a tape from a friend and copied it, you were considered a "pirate". It seems that in 2009, "piracy" has gone back to it's original meaning just one step short of the wooden leg and parrot. Weren't we the ones to originally help the Somali's in the 1980's when hunger in that part of the world was at it's worst? Then again, we stuck out our noses to rescue Afghanistan too and look at the thanks we get! Hey, charity should begin at home!