September 12, 2008

"Chump change, Harvey's Favorite Son and slinging mudd at The Pig"

You know that the outdoor concert season is winding down when the "Big Guns" come to town to play the hits in their backcatalogue. This weekend it's Eddie Ray Cyrus and his daughter playing live in Indiana. Oops, I meant to say, Eddie Money and his daughter Jessica. Oh well, same thing, What's so special about a guy who hasn't had a hit in some 15 years? He doesn't care. He's sold enough records in his day to fill two and a half hours worth however, it's not about him but rather, his daughter Jessica. Eddie is putting all his loose change on his kid's future just like Billy Ray Cyrus did. Only difference is, in this case Billy Ray need not worry. Jessica was part of an MTV reality show that featured siblings of famous people trying to hitch a ride on the success of a parent. The majority of the kids on the show would otherwise get laughed out of town if not for the set of circumstances presented to them. Take Kenny Loggins son for example. He's on the same show as Jessica and gets sick to his stomach if you compare him to his father but honestly, could the kid have made it on MTV by himself? At Money's concert this weekend, expect him to take a back seat while his daughter does her open audition before a Hoosier crowd who just want to hear "I think I'm in Love".
Now, here's something that needs to be addressed right away... It's a street running through a community South of Chicago in Harvey, IL. Harvey is your average "Suburbia" with more than it's fair share of carjackings, drugs, gangbangers, and repeat offenders that include everyone from rapists to public drunkeness. It may be on your map these days because it is often a launching pad for future stars of the NBA, NFL, and MLB. Before that, all that Harvey had to show for itself was a comedian by the name of Tom Dreesen. Not familiar with Dreesen's fame? He was the longtime opening act for Frank Sinatra and others in Vegas where he'd warm up the crowd with his corny jokes. You may still see him on television talking about the good old days with David Letterman and Jay Leno. He manages to always stick a zinger into his act that he was the only white kid in the neighnorhood growing up. A few years ago, Harvey gave Dreesen some kudos when they named a street after him. A really shitty street full of potholes and garbage thrown from moving cars. It's an important link to get to a hospital that I go to a few times a month so, you'd think someone would make sure the street is kept tidy. Not to mention, Dreesen's name is on the street sign so you'd think someone, somewhere would be interested to know the current condition it's in. Going to the hospital that way is a roll of the dice because you might make it, or you might not. A ride in an ambulance will leave you shaken and stirred like a martini! Several weeks ago, I couldn't believe that I was seeing an ambulance getting towed away from a pothole just blocks away from the front doors of the hospital. Once inside, I commented on what I saw and was amazed that most of the workers shrugged it off as if no big deal. Later that evening after seeing Mr. Dreesen appear on Jerry Lewis' telethon, I sent an e-mail to his manager in L.A. about the condition of his "right of way" and got a reply the next day that read, "Mr. Dreesen will not be responding to e-mails over the next few weeks as he is currently on tour promoting his new book. I will however, keep your letter on the side about the condition of his street and will pass it along to him when he gets back. He's good about following up his mail and often stays up all night to answer all mail personally. Thanks for writing." If Dreesen is so proud to include Harvey in his act, perhaps he won't mind putting on a hard hat and pouring hot tar into his potholes. I wait patiently
Finally, give pigs a break already! Borack Obama was said to have implied Sarah Palin is a "pig that wears lipstick". First of all, that quote was taken out of context as that isn't exactly what Obama said. Not a once did Palin's name ever come up during his remarks. It was a misquote. Now, even if a pig wears lipstick, so what? The Nation's farmers work hard all day just to make ends meet and they don't have the time to go out and meet a nice lady. It's been no secret that a lot of these guys enjoy dressing up farm animals real pretty for their own personal satisfaction. That's their business. One thing I would have to disagree with is Obama's explanation in clearing up the matter. He said that "putting lipstick on a pig" is a "common Illinois expression"... Really? Who says it? I never have! By now, you'd think everyone involved in the 2008 election would just learn to keep quiet.

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