June 27, 2008

"From Imus to high gasoline prices...whatta HELL of a week!"

Just like a Timex, Imus keeps ticking and gets another ass kicking courtesy of Rev. Jackson and Rev. Sharpton! Is Don Imus the new voice of America, or ar Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton just anxious to use their frequent flier incentives before the whole airline industry rolls over and dies? Hmmm... perhaps a little bit of both. Don't blame generations of hardships on this old shock jock from the wild west. He's simply the conduit which relays something back to us that we pretty much figured out already: America is indeed a nation full of racism from every angle. Just take a look at Sen. Obama. Here's a guy that came out of nowhere to earn the top spot as the Democratic nominee for President. If you're on his side or not, this nation made up of red, white, and blue, is more grayscale than anything else. Now that he's winning in the polls for his proposal of America needing a "Change", it's time to get down to business and focus on this African American man running for President. Never mind the colors of the flag...America's real colors are definitely black and white. It doesn't matter who started this argument but, the proof is in the poll results and soundbytes of people on the street and it can't be avoided. Everything that happens next in the race will in fact, come down to race and you're right, it IS a shame! If you want to be mad at Imus, be angry for what he didn't say. He simply agreed with someone's statement about black athletes in trouble with the law. The majority of sports is African American...that's a fact. It's also a fact that the majority of athletes getting charged with something is a fact. That doesn't mean that whites are exempt either. Bottom line is, Imus should have said more than "there you go" when reacting to the news story. Shame on him. Athletes of EVERY race have the notion that they can get away with anything because of who they are. When you get signed to a franchise to make millions immediately out of school, you now have a responsinility. Get your head out of your ass and step up! Don't make goofy excuses for your stupid behavior. A few D.U.I.'s takes the focus off the team and puts the light on you! Quite honestly, these guys have it too good. One strike is enough for me. Too bad you still have to open your wallet even when you let someone go nut hey, he's got a contract and you gotta pay. Leave Imus alone! Remember, with fame comes misfortune. A sour "taste" is still in my mouth from past "Tastes of Chicago" Shish-ka-bobs, fried turkey legs, deep dish pizza by the slice, and Eli's Cheesecake for dessert...NOT! The Taste is about to become a game of scavenger hunting with the old GPS ib hand. In what is becoming a harder find than a Susan B. Anthony dollar, one can only put the blame on our current status in RECESSION. Don't believe what the bloated politicians say on Sunday morning television. It's not "coming down the pike" as they say, it's already here! The Taste was once the place to be around July 4th and this year, you really have to look for it. It's gotta be the pits for people that visit annually. I haven't been for years and the last time I was, five things set me back nearly $40! Add the cost to a hot and humid day shoulder to shoulder bumping into people and a hot ride home on a metra train smelling like boiling urine and cheap malt liquor and call it a good time? No thanks. I'll be damned if I stake out a spot at Grant Park 36 hours before a ten minute fireworks show! "Go See A Movie! The New Pixar Flick Is Decades Before It's Time! " ...Dean Richards, WGN news. What's with this guy? There's at least four or five computer generated movies for kids every year. Why am I supposed to believe that in the past month since Kung Foo Panda was released, that we have suddenly travelled light years into the future with this weekend's opening of Wall-E? What kind of new tricks did Disney Pixar come up with that will "Wow!" me out of my stadium seat? Disney is the proverbial pimp to our kids who pee their pants over the excitement of these films. Walt Disney ought to be ashamed of himself once again. He's the only dead guy I know that still pickpockets money from the living. It's genius! Penn and Teller and David Blaine do this trick at their shows in Vegas. I'll never be surprised at what the different brand names of Disney try to dish out next. You do have a choice though. keep your money to worry how to pay for your next meal or spend it foolishly on Uncle Walt and "Wall-E". Ain't it clever how they worked his name into the film? Now, if Wall0E jumps out of the screen and slaps me in the head, THAT's light years ahead of it's time and chances are, I deserved it. Finally, here's my thought on holiday travel...60 Minutes ran a piece a few weeks ago about fuel, AGAIN! True, people can't afford to go anywhere. Getting to the job is hard enough and planes and trains are becoming those extra perks that go along with being a millionaire. The story started back about ten years ago with some stoned college kids and their "lame brained" idea of converting a car to run on cooking oil. To do so would cost about $3000 however, the "fuel" would be free. Just make sure you're near a fast food place because the manager will be happy to get rid of all the muck in his grease pit to some goofy kids and their project. Here we are ten years later and this crazy idea has become such a welcome alternative to gasoline. Restaurants are paying truckers to haul the stuff away, and now people are grabbing up cooking oil so fast that a semi tanker truck is easily emptied by grease bandits who prey on truckers' idle rigs while they stay the night at a motel or even while they're in the truck sleeping. It's literally like gold! Here's something we can all agree on and it's free to make and use. All we need are a couple stupid college kids and some money to make our automobiles run on pee! Need fuel? Drink your six to eight glasses of water a day and you'll pump this stuff out like crazy. In case of emergency, leave a six pack of Old Style in the trunk to get results quicker. Open up the gas tank and let your boy do it's thang! Ladies may have a problem but not to worry...wherever there's liquid to drink, there's pee to be made! Carry a can in the trunk along with a siphon. They said that by year's end gasoline may crawl to $7.00 a gallon. If that happens, I say, "Piss on it" and I mean it quite literally. Now fellas, let's get this project going. You know one day this is going to happen!

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