July 21, 2007

Tammy Faye's trip to heaven: "All systems Go!"

A Squealing Pig WORLDWIDE 4.0 EXCLUSIVE! Let this be a lesson to those who use religion as a way to collect money for their own benefit. When Jim and Tammy Faye Baker got caught by the nuts pocketing money, he went to prison and Tammy got cancer. Too bad ventriloquist Wayland Flowers passed on years ago. "Madame" was retired from Hollywood Squares and the $25,000 Pyramid in the early 1990's. Tammy Faye and Madame are two broads that could have been twins at birth. "Madame" however, was the better looking of the two. So, what to do when you're knocking on death's door? Pay a visit to Larry King Live on CNN. 65lbs with teeth and hair falling out, Larry still managed to grill her a little more. Hey, If I'm breathing my final breaths in this life, I most certainly would NOT end my Legacy or lack there of, on Larry King. I'd be laying in my friggin' bed waiting to die! At least Larry King got a stiffy from talking to half of the former PTL Network. Jim Baker? Where the hell is he?

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