March 11, 2007

"Playing with cocks er, CLOCKS"

Now, here's a subject I forgot to address: Tinkering around with the time and all the damn clocks in the house. A big "Thank You", or should I say, "F.U." to the asshhole in Washington who pushed for the passing of moving up Daylight Savings Time and extending it to nearly the end of November. Is it me, or is this whole shebang friggin stupid? One guy has decided that this whole thing will save energy. It's nice to know that this bill was zipped through Congress quicker than a Texas tornado while there's a lot of unanswered questions in Iraq and most recently, Walter Reed Hospital where veteranss must fight off cockroaches and rats while at the same time trying to hang on for dear life to their nearly blown off legs. I guess this whole time thing was more important. If my bills get cut in half as a result of this switch, I'm not going to complain. We can save even more energy if we didn't have to change the clocks for what is no more than 10 weeks which is silly. OK idiots in Washington...we moved the clocks an hour ahead today to save money. Tell you what, let's leave things the way it is? Better yet, we can really save a lot of money if we push the clocks ahead another hour or two. Sure, it won't get dark in California until midnight but, look at all the energy we'd be saving! Al Gore would be happy...Me? I ain't that crazy about some idiot in a suit that I've never met telling me when to wake up and when to go to bed.

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