Post-season baseball in Chicago is now officially D.O.A.! The bats however, are still swinging like crazy. Most of them smacking television screens with Superstattion TBS, your "official" MLB channel. Yeah, whatever! I can honestly say that I feel cheated. I honestly thought that the Cubs had it all together to pull it off this year...didn't happen. The Sox? They always tend to have good intentions but bad timing. They made it to the playoffs however, the fire got hot under their feet way too late in the season and quite frankly, they didn't deserve to be in the playoffs in the first place. I must admit that it was sad to see Ken Griffey Jr. make such a dissapointing exit. Like so many others before him, the Sox and Cubs rosters have become the resting place for one time greats to ponder retiring. Now that the season is over, the blame game has begun. Finger pointing and excuses from the ground crew up to the front office and including the players and fans. Afterall, someone has to take the blame! Let's put the money hungry players aside and take a peek into the future that, let's face it, doesn't look much brighter.
- The Cubs - Presuming there will still be life on earth and a game of baseball, it's important to keep the month of October 2108 open. If the Internet is similar to a time capsule, someone can pull up this post to see what I'm saying today. 2018 will be celebrated as the "Bi-centennial" of the Cubs last appearance in the World Series. At that point in the future, "Chicago" and "Cubs" will no longer go together like yin and yang. Heck, I predict as early as 25 years from today, the former Wrigley Field will be home to an IKEA store. Even the Cubs' most loyal beer guzzling, shirtless, face painted fans will have finally grown tired of the Cubs and the franchise itself will have made its way through several other cities before landing in Oklahoma City like the Seattle Sonics just did. They will be rebranded "The Oklahoma Tumbleweeds" and take baseball back to it's roots by offering tickets for under a dollar. No one will come to cheer them on except for the a few crazies who board a bus and go out there for a weekend. Ron Santos will still be alive and kicking and still drumming up support to get into the Hall of Fame. When did this all start to fall apart? That day back in the late 1980's that Roseanne Barr botched up the National Anthem. Oh yeah, you can blame it on that damn goat too if you really want. Heck, blame it on the man in the moon if you want... it's the same thing. When Lou Piniella drops dead on the mound next year while making a pitching change, he'll just be another statistic in the MLB history book along with all the others who gave leading the team to the "Big W".
- The Sox - This is easy. First off, this is 2008 and their World Series victory took place several years ago. Are we done talking about it yet? This isn't the same group of people that it was then. If you're like me, you too were probably puzzled the day that the Sox made Ozzie Guillen the manager of the team. I immediately saw a lot of potential problems. I now admit, I was wrong. Sure the guy is a loose cannon. His personality zig-zags all over the map. He can barely throw a full sentence together when he speaks, and is always on the brink of having a meltdown. That's exactly what the Sox needed before and this was a game plan that worked. The Ozzie of today pales in comparison. He just doesn't care anymore one way or another. Maybe he's mad at what he's got to work with or perhaps realizes that his name is on a long list of people who need to go. This is exactly what needs to happen. During the games against the Tampa Bay Rays, whenever the camera was on him, his mind was somewhere else. Oh yeah, this guy need not worry because he'll always have his photo in the main hallway at Comiskey Park with the distinction of leading the team to a World Series win however, bring in someone new for crying out loud! If things keep going the way they are, in 100 years the Sox may be relocated as well. This will happen a few years after MLB opens the borders and welcomes in the Dominican Republic. New teams will emerge out there like McDonald's. The Sox will call that their new home and Ozzie's kids will probably have a shanty across from the new ball park.
Hey if this game is just "a game", let's take it one step farther and consider new managers for both teams next season? Lou Piniella? Gone. How about "Captain Lou" Albano. A former pro wrestling great who made "Sports Entertainment" hip with his connections to Cyndi Lauper in the infant years of MTV. He's still alive, lost a little weight, and needs work. His last big gig was as "Super Mario" and he is said to love baseball. As for the Sox, replace Ozzie with Ozzy (with a "y" thank you very much). He's always going to be connected to "bats" for as long as he's around and perhaps a little bit easier to understand than Guillen. One big thing though, this Ozzy doesn't dwell on the past unless it's a VH-1 interview and he's talking about his days with Black Sabbath. He's also spontaneous and unpredictable and enjoys living in the moment. Maybe that's what this team needs. Now fellas, empty your lockers, pack up your bags, and take the bus to the airport and board a plane to go back home. You have a lot to think about...
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