November 05, 2006

"Anna Nicole says a few words...kind of"

Anna Nicole Smith: An enigma wrapped in a riddle however, we were lucky enough to have a telephone interview with her last week well before she spoke to The Insider and Entertainment Tonight. We were allowed a few minutes to speak with her while our call was under supervision. For what it's worth, she's a confused broad drifting aimlessly like a ghost ship in the ocean. We yanked Anna away from rehab in a California detox center where she also suffers from pneumonia at the moment.

  • Squealing Pig- Hello Anna, Thanks for taking the time to speak to us.
  • Anna- (laughing) Huh?
  • SP- Sorry about the loss of your son. You feel a little guilty that it was your fault as he was already on Xanax and rifled through your purse and stumbled upon methoanphedamines? You know those two don't mix well.
  • A- (laughing and slurring) Hey, we never did drugs together. I would do 'em and then five minutes later he would. (laughs) You see, that's not together.
  • SP- Do you think that it was appropriate for you to take an underage kid to The Islands where drinking and drugging go hand in hand and the authorities turn the other cheek?
  • A- (laughing uncontrollably)
  • SP- Hello? you still there?
  • A- Who's this I'm talking to again?
  • SP- The Squealing Pig. We're a Blog.
  • A- (laughing) That's a funny word ain't it? Blog, Blog, Blog, Hee Hee(more laughing)
  • SP- We know you have a new baby. What do you make of the reports that you weredrinking and smoking crack during your pregnancy?
  • A-(Angrily) That's bulls***! I would never do that. I just took Vicadin and speed. The tabloids paint me to be a rotten person.
  • SP- OK Anna, what's the deal with making Howard K. Stern your life partner rather than marrying the guy? Afterall, he says he's the Father of your baby.
  • A- Well, Howard is a real sweetheart and I enjoy listening to his radio show. I think Robin and Artie and Baba Booey are funny to. I thought He'd be a great Dad.
  • SP- You do realize that I'm referring to your Manager Howard K Stern and not the other Howard Stern on the radio right?
  • A- You mean I've got two now? How'd that happen?
  • SP- It was all over the press. You're with Howard K. Stern!
  • A-(laughing hysterically) You mean I married my Manager? (laughs) I figured Howard just put on the long-haired wig at the office. No kidding?
  • SP- Going back to your late son, what caused him to spiral out of control at the end? And was Trimspa unknowingly feeding his drug habit?
  • A- Oh no! Trimspa saved me. I was on dope and fat and posing nude for Playboy. No, if anything, he had to do like every other man in my life and sleep with me to get my money. I taught him everything he knew when it came to pleasing a woman. The people that don't get it or criticize me are just old fussy duddies.
  • SP- What's ahead for your future
  • A- (laughing) well, now that I'm a hot piece of ass, I want to make an XXXX video with Pam Anderson. I want four "X's" because just getting three you may as well just watch a Disney movie (laughs).

At this point, the interview came to an abrupt end by Anna's case worker. I think she's making progress!

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