America the beautiful. See, any horses ass can blow up a few buidings and kill 3000 people. All this means is that Allah said it's OK to kill whever in the Western World. Monday is indeed, September 11th. A Disney movie this evening suggests that all the world's problems are because of William Jefferson Clinton. His Secret Service guys had Osam Bin Laden in their crosshairs and gosh darnit, were too afraid to shoot the guy. Bill Clinton didn't want his reputation ruined because of Bin Laden, yet he had no problem with Monica Lewinski sucking his balls in the same place that Washington and Lincoln rubbed one another shoulder to shoulder. Yes, September 11th is here again for a five year memorial and they STILL haven't found Bin Laden. Shit, I found Waldo within his books in a matter of minutes. Let us reflect tonight on how our government failed us, and how we would kill the guy if he was in our crosshairs.
Tomorrow: "Patriot Day"???? What the FU#@ is that?