October 04, 2006

"Chicago's 1st Hurricane Hits" and "Foley's Boxers on eBay"

  • The fallout after the blowout - Dateline 10/2/06 Reprinted from The Chicago Bugle: Chicago (AP) - Chicago area residents are exiting their homes this morning to head to work, only to find 100 year old oak trees and in some cases, their roofs laying on their carss and front lawns. Severe storms ripped through Northern Illinois dumping 5" of rain in a few hours. Winds howled at gusts clocked more than 75 mph and knocked down power lines leaving several hundred thousand ComEd users in the dark for hours. This weather event, the worst in nearly a decade, has forced many to leave their homes. Refrigerators hold nothing but spoiled food and the tap water is unsafe to drink. Area creeks, rivers and streams are expected to crest this weekend several feet above flood stage. A woman who took time out from the cleanup to talk to us but chose not to give her name remarked, "It's was the wosest I ever seen. I looked out and said Lordy...don't take the place I stay. The eye of the hurricane passed, but then we had some mo!" OK, obviously not in the paper however, someone did make that statement to FOX news Chicago. This is one for the record books, and I'm not talking about the rain, hail, wind and everything else. To think that a hurricane formed right over Chicago and swirled it's way out to sea has NEVER happened until now. Everything happened so fast that there wasn't any time for the people at NOAA hurricane tracking to come up with a name. So, for the first time since they started naming storms in the 1930's, I suppose this will go in the books nameless.
  • Which is worse? - Because of all the scams and claims of racism after Katrina, people are more quick than ever to look at every option there is to make money off an "Act of God". A microburst is said to have been behind several collapsed buildings and warehouses SW of the city. Other things that went along with this storm was the hail and damage it caused to cars and windows. A 1000 or so trees either snapped in half or flew through the air to end up through someone's roof. While all this was going on, television reporters went to a bad part of town to talk to people there who had an axe to grind because a tree limb wasnt yet lifted off the hood of their car two hours after the storm was over. A few people suggested that because of their race and where they live, Chicago is giving them a screw job and shuffling them to the bottom of the deck while making million dollar homes top priority. Complaints over no power and spoiled food. Water in the basement. A broken window or two on the house. Yep, you all have it rough! Contact the Governor's office and he can contact Washington. Disaster area? These places have already been that for thirty years. Tell you what...since your family came up North after Katrina for help, why not go down there now because nobody will come out and fix your window on your front door? Maybe if enough people go, you'll at least get a $100 gift card to Target for the "inconvenience". Ssshhh! Quiet! Don't look for a handout. This was only a thunderstorm! Get over it!
  • What about Sen. Ted Kennedy? - What's up with this Congressman Mark Foley and his secret life? Yeah, there was his admission of guilt and what he did was unnacceptable if he's working on taxpayers time or not. It just wasn't right either. Kind of like Nancy Reagan's catchphrase of the 80's still used today..."Just say no to Drugs". Imagine her being a guest speaker to a bunch of kids, saying her famous quote, and then afterwards going backstage to shoot up heroin? Same thing this Foley has done. At first, he claimed a drinking problem caused his clouded judgement. He resigned from his Post to go to rehab and then they said, "OK, now that we have that out of the way, what else?" Oh yeah, he forgot to mention his mention his mental illness. "Anything else?" They ask him. "Yes, one more thing I forgot...I'm homosexual." Hmmm. As they head out the door Foley screams out, "Wait! Did I mention the Priest at my church that molested me on a regular basis when I was a kid?!" ...And that was that at least for now. Bottom line: Anything you may do illegally can easily be swept under the rug when your trump card includes sexual abuse by a Priest. I still want to know about Ted Kennedy. Mark Foley had personal problems and now he's history. Kennedy DOESN'T? Ha!