July 23, 2007

"Stuck at the top AND giving the BIG wheel a BIG spin"

St. Louie...My home away from home. The Cardinals stink this year as well as the White Sox, I guess my hopes for a World Series between these guys will have to wait until the 22nd Century. For those hoping to visit the new Busch Stadium to see the Cardinals kick ass, sorry, You are stuck with the Gateway Arch. After 9/11, a visit to the Arch resulted in metal detectors and stopped short of having me strip naked with a rubber glove probing my ass for explosives. After hearing about the antics over the weekend in St. Louis, this is one guy who is tickled to death to have both feet on the ground. One of the elevators broke and trapped a bunch of people at the top for close to four hours! It was either wait for the repair or take a walk down the hot and humid stairway to the bottom. As of a few hours ago, the elevator still wasn't repaired. Let's put it this way...The stairwell smells like pee and liquor. Even though I'm afraid of heights I'd gladly sleep at the top until things are back to normal.
How about this Drew Carey character? I admit, his show was funny for a long time and then it went down the crapper. I'll be so bold to say that ABC made a mistake by letting Drew's show go down the tubes. At least it was a sitcom and not a reality show. Since Drew's show got the axe, as well as "Whose Line is it Anyway" and "Green Screen", ABC/Disney was nothing but trouble. So what's next in line for this guy from Cleveland? For those folks who have been sleeping under a rock, Mr. Carey has been named the replacement for Bob Barker on "The Price is Right". I have no further comment other than hell, anyone is better than Rosie!