Another Squealing Pig Worldwide Investigation. As we readily approach the end of June, it's time to take a look at America's "favorite pastime". Those who know me know that The White Sox and St. Louis Cardinals have always been my favorites. I had dreamed of a World Series between The Sox and The Cards however, this time around it's "not in the cards". Having said that, I'll pick on The Chicago Cubs. After Dusty Baker got pushed out the Chicago Tribune's revolving door, Cubs management picked up the horn and called Lou Paniella to come to the rescue. Remember his press conference after Christmas where while wearing a Cubs jersey and ball cap promised Chicagoland that the Cubs will make it to the World Series? He said if he couldn't do the job that he'd retire. I hope he's got a big nest egg in the bank because it won't happen this year either.
The Fight Club on Waveland Avenue. OK. These guys are all fired up and ready to swing that wood. Do they do it? Nope. All this angst and energy has been used to physically fight one another in the clubhouse or on the field. Now, a lot of people are putting the blame on Lou just because he likes to swear at umpires like a sailor or kick sand over the shoes of any official that crosses his path. Truth is, there's actually a website that's devoted to getting Lou fired that I stumbled upon today. If these guys want to fight and beat the hell out of one another, let them go nuts. Matter of fact, rather than beat the crap out of someone in the dugout or on the field, let these guys moonlight on Ultimate Fighting or change that silly commercial McDonald's has with The Cubs and Sox pulling pranks on each other. The whole thing ought to done solely with Cubs players
Finally, I hate to admit it BUT...Although there won't be a Cubs World Series this year, they're inching closer. Maybe Ozzie Guillen ought to encourage The Sox to beat the snot out of everyone. It might help their second to last place standings. Yeah, there may be a lot of Three Stooges antics of hitting and slapping, The Cubs are still better than the Cards or of this moment.