- Getting "Schlitz-faced" on watered down beer and an Arizona win equals a "Super Sunday" in Iraq. God bless the troops. Each and every one of them...SERIOUSLY. They continue their assignment in Iraq and doggone it, deserve a day to get "tanked up" and watch Arizona bop heads with Pittsburgh. The Prez gave the boys the green light to take a few hours off next Sunday and enjoy the finer things that freedom brings us in the United States: Guacamole dip, beer, and HDTV. This is like a scene straight out of Tropic Thunder. Perhaps a blood draw should be in order??!! Afterall, if you're gonna make a big fuss over some beer, ask for something like Sam Adams! I hope the setting in Baghdad next Sunday is tranquil... if there's some sort of massive retalliation against our troops, the majority of the fighting will take place with Mr. Whipple. These guys will be doing their best not to "squeeze the Charmin". Maybe Obama ought to consider sending a shipment to the Taliban to slow the operation down?!
- Give a kid a bowl of Lucky Charms, a Saturday morning and a television set and you're in good shape for a few hours UNTIL the commercials come on. If you have boys at home, you have to deal with the Transformers and Star Wars stuff however, girls are a different story. Every young cutie under the age of 16 seems to have their own "action figure" to add cash to their bank account. Sometimes greedy toy corporations cross the line and try to bend their own Copyrights and Trademarks. That's exactly what happened to the unlucky stiff who worked at Mattel and doodled on his lunch hour to come up with the marketing whores known as, "Bratz". Sure, this guy was supposed to be creating new careers for Barbie however, he made these creations a little smaller and a bit more trashier than their inspiration. While this case went to court and gave the creator immunity and the chance to keep his dolls on the market for another year, another guy has taken the "Bratz" concept one step further and is selling dolls that are in worse shape than the others... "The Ho'ze" action figures come complete with short mini-skirts, see-through tops, track marks on their arms and black eyes and bruises. G.I. Joe can pay for an hour with the chick with no more than a smile and a fix. It should go without saying that the Obama's and the rest of America would be concerned when "TY" ..the manufacturer of the now retired "Beanie Babies" would mark a return to the market with dolls of two little black girls who ny the way, have the same name as the Obama girls! "Sasha" and "Malia" are names that the company thought of out of the blue because well, they sounded good and best represented the dolls. When the Obamas got wind of this they didn't buy it either. Someone however, did. While only a few were manufactured by TY before being threatened with legal action from Prez. Obama, a few have managed to make it to the safe haven known as, "eBay". While these dolls are cute, it infringes on the fact that the girls are just kids who were pushed into the spotlight. Staring at the dolls for a short time, I can say that they resemble characters straight out of Pokeman and that's kinda creepy!
January 24, 2009
"Guantanamo Bay", "A case of The Schlitz", and "Un-TYing a legal mess"
"Stay inside the lines for at least eight years and you're free to go back home". Guantanamo Bay has been the center of controversey since it increased it's population immedietely after the events of 9/11. It's been sort of a purgatory for those once associated with a terrorist organization. Depending on what side of the political fence you're on, this group of the "World's Worst" criminals should stay there forever without a trial or be allowed to return beck home. Depending on who worked there and what the terms were when they left, it is either a place of torture or a carbon copy of the Ritz-Carlton. In any event, President Obama has decided to give the inmates the benefit of the doubt that they've been there long enough and are ready to return to society rehabilitated and lead a life of peace and love. Although it's been shown that many of those recently released have none other than "schmoozed" their way through the system in order to get out and pick up where they left off on their tyrade against America. The majority of the men in prison there have sat through years of therapy and re-programming quite similar to the strategy used to get them involved in terrorism in the first place! Here's the facts as they are...believe you me, it isn't working. The rehabilitation process consists of a box of Crayolas and paper! Let's say for the heck of it, you wake up one morning on the wrong side of the bed and hate America. What to do? In Guantanamo you go into a classroom and sketch all your frustration and anger into a colorful picture! Now, if we as taxpayers are paying for this form of rehabbing, give me a break! On the other hand, closing down the prison as announced isn't all that good of an idea either! Oh boy, when Obama was anxious to take over the helm from George W., even he didn't expect as big a headache as this!
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