September 16, 2008

"Cry me a river, why don' chya?"


Publisher: SlipperyRock Publishing copyright 2008 (November 08 release)

Available: pre order at and Borders. MSRP $10.95 US

About the Authors: Consumer advocate, Matthew Lesko and The Squealing Pig Worldwide! have combined forces to offer tips and tricks in ways to stick it to American taxpayers and sending the amount due to Washington, D.C.

Readers: The following is a portion of Chapter 7 titled: "Cry me a river"

One of the most common tricks within the past decade or so, is to "Think Large" when it comes to making a large purchase. Homes, cars and credit all go together to give you "buying power" without any roadblocks. Don't be frazzled by the recent events on Wall Street. The one time big investment firms as well as Savings and Loans, Banks, Mortgage Companies, etc are doing a good job fooling all of us with their desperate cries for financial help and Uncle Sam has always been on call to help clean up the mess and bail them out. Now don't feel sorry for any of these institutions! While the government is trying to make things easier by allowing takeovers and mergers to take place, YOU are the victim! As a matter of fact, all these places that are now crying "uncle" are getting the last laugh on you because they set you up for failure in the first place by allowing you to spend well over a reasonable limit. Do you think CEO's and CFO'sare losing sleep worried about your house going into foreclosure or your car getting reposessed? Heck no. This is why you need to plan ahead of time and arrange your life into a "business". One of the most imporpant tidbits in setting up shop is:Location, Location, Location! We can't emphesize this enough. So what if the real estate market is on shaky ground? So what if you have your eyes on a piece of property that you know goes well beyond your means? Lenders will be pleased as punch to write you a big, fat check, and it all depends on where you're willing to call "home".

  • Tip #1 -"If you build it, they will come" - Think about the beach, the sand, the water, the beautiful landscape. Contractors love the warm climate and that's why they build large homes near the water. They sell! You can't afford a home next to the sea? Nonsense. America is a land of opportunity where anyone can get what they want with little or no effort. There's a loophole in the system that people use quite often when it comes to property loss, and that is claiming a disaster to be an "Act of Nature". No one can ever argue with you when a tornafo blows off your roof or a hurricane destroys the whole house. That's why the government stops by the neighborhoods most affected to declare them "Disaster Areas". You may think you're entitled to nothing more than a handshake however, the government expects these things to happen and that's why they have money put aside as "Federal Relief" to aid people struck by tragic events of nature. You can live in the home for however long you want. There's always a hurricane or tornado right around the corner. Never mind paying the mortgage and by all means, ignore all the harassing phone calls. They knew you couldn't afford to live there so you shouldn't have to pay a dime. When tragedy strikes and your check arrives in the mail, there are no restrictions as to what you do with the money. It's like having Uncle Sam doing all the messy cleanup for you! In fact, most homeowners don't know that Uncle Sam actually encourages everyone who lost their home to stay put and rebuild in the same exact spot! What a nifty idea! That is to say that you can rebuild, rebuild, and rebuild, over and over, and over again without ever having to reach for your checkbook Even something as devastating as a creek overflowing it's banks can allow you to "Keep up with the Joneses" by allowing you to keep the interior of your home to be current. Uncle Sam has money stashed away for rainy days like these so take advantage of him while he feels generous!

  • Tip #2 - Research the facts and learn how Lender's like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac cried foul right before their collapase. The same principle can be applied to yourself. Don't believe the balleyhoo you may hear people like Billionaire Warren Buffet has to say about the National Deficit. Washington D.C. and those in it's "inner circle" like to use scare tactics like constantly pointing to all of us as the reason everything is as screwed up as it is. This is simply an effort to keep your hands from reaching into Uncle Sam's deep pockets. The truth is, even if the Federal Government is near broke, it's not our fault and we shouldn't be held accountable to fix it! If this country is in such economic and environmental distress as they suggest, it's the fault of previous generations who didn't have the kbowledge to see into the future. Everyone holds us accountable for where we are right now and it's not right to expect us to pick up the mess we "inherited". For instance, I don't buy into global warming as being our fault and I'm certainly not the one who's gonna fix it! Keep passing it down to generations yet to come and let them worry about it. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac fell apart not because of the economy but rather, laziness. They knew the in's and out's of the system and realized it's not worth the effort to bail themselves out of the financial wreck they were in so, Uncle Sam was there to help them out and save the day!

Hurricane Katrina taught all of us a lesson in how to make a natural disaster turn into a cash cow. There are BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars of money available. All you have to do is ask. You would think that Uncle Sam would suggest to those people that they should take their check and rebuild someplace else however, our government doesn't work like that. You know such a tragic event will happen again one day however, in the meantime, Louisiana is your home and how dare Uncle Sam evict you! You deserve to stay.

For the rest of the story, check out the book, available soon