It's a doggone dirty shame that Bing Crosby and Michael Landon are no longer with us. These guys may have come across as two religious people...Afterall, their TV and movie roles always taught us a moral lesson. Truth is, when the day was over, these two "Holy Rollers" would go home and everyone in the house would be left to walk on eggshells. Why? If one of the kids did something wrong, Bing and Michael would take off the belt and beat the hell out of them. That's what Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan need. They just ended their careers. Call it "Career Suicide" or whatever you want, but the only booking these two are going to get from now on is pornos or performing at State Fairs between the goats, cows, and pigs. What's the deal???
- First up is Britney. Her rather bizarre behavior landed her in rehab once already shortly after she shaved her head bald. After an extended stay in rehab, Britney walked away clean. That is, until she recently sat down with a magazine for an interview and photo shoot and was said to be "out of it". In addition to that, Britney demanded buffalo wings before the photo shoot. Wearing a VERY expensive dress, Britney used it as if it were a napkin wiping hands and face all over the front. The interview was said to be so off the wall, they could only save a little bit. Publishers struggled with deciding to publish this stuff however, they decided to move ahead and release it this Friday saying it is a "cry for help". Back to rehab she goes...
- Now, how about this Lindsay Lohan character? It was only a week ago that she turned 21 and went out for her birthday fresh out of rehab for the 2nd time and wearing an ankle bracelet that detects alcohol. Mysteriously, Lohan's ankle bracelet got lost long enough for a Monday night party of booze, crystal meth, and cocaine. So, Lohan turned "21" and is again entering rehab for the 3rd time. Meanwhile, her parents are confused as to how this happened. Hmmm...Bad parenting? Maybe the whole family ought to go to jail!