August 29, 2008


BREAKING NEWS!!! I've never been more excited about politics and this election nonsense than I am today! The connfetti is still falling from Obama's speech in Denver last night, and now the excitement has moved east to Ohio where McCain has shocked the world with his pick for a running mate: Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

If you're like me, you probably have a lot of questions that you want answers to in regards to her years of experience in politics. She's kind of "fresh out of the gate" in this race. The 44 year old is married with five kids and calls herself a "Hockey Mom". Governer of Alaska for two years, before that she was mayor of a small town, population 100. Immediately after hearing the news on the cable news channels, there were a lot of naysayers quick to jump on McCain for what many feel is a "poor decision" because she would be "just one heartbeat away" from the "Oval Office". Normally, I would have to agree with that however, when you read into this a little bit farther, what exactly are the odds of McCain dropping dead in the next four years? The quick answer here is that the odds are the same for everybody. Don't call McCain crazy or mixed up. He's not some old man wandering the streets trying to find his way home. He knew what he was doing here, and that's why he's all smiles. How would you like to have this former beauty queen cutie working a few steps away from you? If McCain is already accused of making bad choices and having cloudy judgement, how will the man be able to run the good ol' United States under these circumstances? I wouldn't be able to do it!

I think back on some of the poor choices that were made in the past when it comes to potential running mates and thankfully, most of them never made it to the job, like Geraldine Ferraro for example. Now, Palin may not have a long resume and may be an unknown player in this game but, at this point, who cares that she has no experience when it comes to foreign policies and other issues facing us? She gets my vote regardless! Over the next few months I'll be using the "Dogpile" search engine quite a bit. This is a good place to type a name in for all the dirt on someone all in one shot because it combones several sources into one easy search (you can access "Dogpile" right now in the column to the left). Within the past few hours, doing a search on Sarah Palin has come back with nearly triplr the amount of information as compared to this morning. Now is the time that all the "controversey" starts and we start to dig up all the dirt on this wholesome lady. For example, we now know that she is a big fan of drilling. Why else would she have five kids? She's got the look of a schoolteacher who lets down her hair at the end of the day and gets naughty like a porn star. Matter of fact, I look forward to "accidentally stumbling" across some Girls Gone Wild! videos of her. You know there has to be something out there somewhere! It's up to you...if you give a rat's ass about the economy, education , and the environment, vote Obama. Personally, I don't need anymore "Change". I've got enough in piggy-bank already!