I turned on the television late last night only to realize that my prior chennel surfing much earlier had left me parked on The History Channel. Now, I'm not really too sure about what goes on there depending on what "daypart" I may tune in. In other words, the Neilson Ratings often reflect what the demographics are for a certain block of time. Maybe it's me, but I remember a time when History was exactly that. Matter of fact, it was like watching PBS with commercials and kind of a neat way to avoid actually opening up a history book in school. I've gotta tell you, a LOT has changed on the network in the last twenty something years since I actually paid attention. If not for the little "H" on the bottom of the screen, I'd swear I was watching E! or some mockumentary on MTV. I tuned in half way through a certain program which was all about conspiracy theories. A smorgasboard of topics came up and not one mention of J.F.K. or 9/11 that you usually hear about. This was a show about famous names in Hollywood and the mysterious circumstances in which they died. I knew that something was up as soon as they put Anna Nicole Smith and Kurt Cobain's deaths under a microscope suggesting that they didn't die from self medicating themselves with booze and pills but rather, may have been murdered. Now, there have been so many books and movies made about J.F.K., Marilyn Monroe, U.F.O.'s and Sasquatch, but who is the guy losing sleep over this stuff abd was it really newsworthy enough to make it on the same channel that keeps it's fan base due to Civil War re-enactments and WWII newsreels. I then realized, "Oh, this has something to do with Halloween coming around the corner" and then I got it. But it still doesn't make any sense. I guess this channel is now run by former staffers of TMZ. Someone actually is looking into the death of Nirvana's Kurt Cobain! If they want to investigate anything in this area, perhaps they ought to look into how it's possible that Tupac Shakur has been dead for a decade and still manages to come out with a new CD every year.
Going back to Nirvana, I just became aware of the latest rumor that happens to be circulating on the Internet about the popular Alt-Rockers The Foo Fighters who formed soon after Kurt Cobain's homicide or suicide or whatever as the brainstorm of Nirvana's Dave Grohl. It seems someone has come up with the idea that a song from several years ago was written as an homage to none other than John McCain. The song, "My Hero" has fuzzy lyrics that you can pretty much connect to anybody if you really want to. Matter of fact, the song came out just before McCain's last attempt at The White House in 2004 where he was eliminated as one of the candidates. This was also right after John McCain still spent the majority of his time as Senator in Arizona where he had a hard time recognizing MLK's Birthday as a Federal Holiday. Now, you may be thinking, "Why The Foo Fighters?" I agree. You would expect this sort of nonsense from a pokitical rock group like Megadeth or Rage Against The Machine. The Foo Fighters? They're harmless. They say a good writer often sleeps with a pen and a pad of paper next to the bed in case you happen to wake up with a thought so you can scribble it down. Hey, I don't. I don't think Dave Grohl does it either. Matter of fact, he thinks this whole story is nothing but a silly guy that started a silly rumor. Funny or not, this has led the rest of the band to start to wonder the same thing..."What WAS the song REALLY about anyway?" All Dave can do is shrug his shoulders and laugh. If he knows, he ain't telling. The laughter however, didn't last too long once the boys in the band got wind that McCain was using the song as an entrance theme for his persoanl appearances. I guess these guys are Democrats eh? They're not the first ones to make a fuss over a political figure using their song to get a quiet crowd stirred up. Heart and James Taylor already had it out with McCain's Camp over the use of their music without their permission. For Heart and James Taylor's sake, they should have just kept their mouths shut and let McCain keep doing what he's been doing. When was the last time one of their songs charted anyway? So, contrary to what you hear, there was no story behind the song and certainly no association with the man that wants to be President. In fact, as far as McCain is concerned, "Nirvana" is something he found after being released from his Vietnamese prison meanwhile, his father was busy with "The Foo Fighters" for his time in WWII. As for Dave Grohl and the rest of the band? I'd be surprised if they're even registered voters. So, let's put this conspiracy to rest!