May 03, 2007

Chapter 2: Best Buy and "The Geek Squad" need to divorce!

Around two years ago, electronic retailer Best Buy thought it would be a good thing to combine forces with the growing Company "Geek Squad" because damnit, Best Buy was stumped when it came to Technical Support for the products they sell. One thing that's no trouble at all is ringing up a sale hence, they call in "The Geeks". If you set up an in-home service call, these guys will rush out to your home in a black and white car like policemen searching for an armed robber. For me, at the end of March, it proved that "The Geek Squad" weren't geeks pretending to be cool but rather, geeks pretending to be assholes! Here was the problem...After signing an agreement that stated my computer would be repaired within a few days, in reality it was several weeks. A guy named Jesus worked on our computer. This is where I lost my faith. You see, Jesus can turn water into wine, feed a bunch of people on a fish and loaf of bread, and can walk on water. Jesus ought to be able to fix electronics in his sleep. The end result? After a phone call to Corporate, we got this thing back however, I had to spend over a week resolving other problems created while they examined everything. The Geek Squad needs to stand in line while I give them a wedgie and pull their underpants up over their head. Think twice about letting one of these "hacks" near your computer. If anything, these guys ought to be pushing a broom down the aisles at closing time...that's my salute to the First Amendment today.

First Amendment is alive and well sans Don Imus

Don Imus isn't really a horse's ass. He's a smart businessman who is about to turn and put the screws to CBS for breaching his contract. CBS owes Imus a sum of money in the neighborhood of $40 Million clams. Even Lady Liberty and the First Amendment which provides "Freedom of Speech" weren't enough to save the bitter radio icon. Just watch as Imus resurfaces seated one studio over from nemesis Howard Stern on Sirius Satellite Radio. On there, Imus won't have to kiss Jesse Jackson and Al Sharptons big, black behinds. You say "I'm sorry" and that's the end of it. Not so for Imus who remained number one at his homebase of WFAN in New York until the incident. Michael "Kramer" Richards is still apologizing for his remarks made in February. Truth is, these two can apologize for their comments until the cows come home and Jackson and Sharpton STILL won't be satisfied!
No First Amendment clauses here. Considering we've been out of service for a month, you're probably wondering why. Nobody was suspended and we didn't call it quits either. A corrupt Windows XP Operating System resulted in our taking the PC to The Geek Squad at our local Best Buy. Next time I discuss how Best Buy nearly sodomized me while holding everything hostage for a month. It's a must read!