September 06, 2008

"The joke is on WHO?" and "Oh deer, it's The Nuge"

"What's the deal with Bill Gates, Jerry Seinfeld, and Microsoft? Didn't Bill retire? Didn't Jerry retire? What are they doing together in a commercial for Microsoft when it isn't even funny? Is it supposed to be? WHAT'S THE DEAL?!!? By now you've all probably seen the new ad for Microsoft featuring these two knuckleheads...I've seen it three times and at the end of 60 seconds, all I can say is, "What was that?" I knew that Seinfeld just signed a very lucrative deal with the computer giant, but I don't know what I was expecting to see. At least his credit card commercial from last year's Super Bowl had a little zing to it, but this? What's the pitch? Why are these two in cahoots, and what are they selling me? Believe it or not, I had to take all my inquiries to Google to find an answer. Now for those of you who want the answer, it is an ad for all of Microsoft however, the emphesis is on Windows Vista here. Vista is advertised as the next big thing in computing since it debuted late last year. If you're like me and still have Windows XP, you are now left in the dark if you need help with the software as it is getting phased out. If you recall, right before 2000 Microsoft was introducing us to XP and stressed how necessary it is to get it. For nearly six months before New Year's, my outdoor mailbox was getting bombarded on a weekly basis with software updates for XP on CD. After that, it was one glitch after another and Microsoft promised it would get better and easier so, far the last eight years they've given us three "service packs" to fix all the bugs. In many cases, these fixes screwed up your pc even more. After all that trouble, Microsoft basically says that XP was junk and we need to go with Vista. Well, it looks like now we don't have a choice anymore. Is this where the joke is in the commercials? To put it another way, Bill Gates isn't funny at all and Jerry Seinfeld as "serious"? Give me a break! As the business sections of newspapers nationwide stated this week, if Seinfeld's commercial was any indication of how funny a sitcom would be, he would have never had one in the first place. I agree!
Here's another unlikely duo... and you're right, it is unlikely to ever happen: Ted Nugent supporting Sarah Palin. Rock legend Ted Nugent has a large catalog of hits going back 40 years or so. Lately, Ted has turned a former lifestyle of partying into activism for both nature and politics alike. Nugent occasionally stops in to the studios at CNN to throw in his two cents on what's going on in the world and how he would kick it into gear if he had any position to do so. He's an outdoorsman who lives off the land and a lifelong member of the N.R.A. and has lobbied for years to make owning firearms legal, for hunting of course. Nugent eats anything out of the wilderness that has a circulatory system and a heartbeat. So does Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. You would imagine these two sitting down over a dinner of buffalo burgers, venison chili, and a cold glass of grizzly bear blood. "Not so", according to Nugent, who flew off the handle the other night when asked if Mcain and Palin should expect his vote in November. All Ted could do was grab and shake his head in disgust. "We're not the same" he said, and then went on to explain the difference between the two adding that Palin often comparing a hunter to a politician is dead wrong. "When you hunt for everything you eat, you're sense of smell is important. After a while you can sniff out the good blood and the bad blood. In Washington you can't smell a thing." He's right. Maybe she's one of these "Mavericks" who never kill the animal but happily pose for a picture standing next to the carcass "as if to tell us..." According to Nugent, all of America needs a refresher course in The Constitution as well as a trip back some 200 years ago when life was simpler and all about "every man for himself". Which is why he said if you happen to step over all of his "no tresspassing signs around the perimeter of his property, he won't think twice about blowing the intruder's ass off. Now that's nice!