- "Spiderman, Spiderman, acts exactly like every man"- You know, this Elmo TMX doll is like gold this Christmastime. People are fist fighting, stabbing and stealing the things from Wal-Mart. Heck , someone actually stole a whole semi trailer full of the things from a Wal-Mart in California that they're still looking for. Like toys of Christmas' past, things that talk and make noise become victims of practical jokers . Already this year with Elmo, several micro-chips were switched to make Elmo curse like a sailor. Even so, good luck trying to find one. If you do, get a second mortgage on your house way ahead of time. Enter the cheap knockoff known as the "Itsy Bitsy Spiderman". Someone decided to take the crime fighting superhero and behave like Elmo. Same thing, but not Elmo. Who wants to see Spiderman sing and dance around like a sissy anyway? Spidey doesn't even want to do it!
For only $20 you can find this thing virtually anywhere and everywhere compared to his pal Elmo however, someone has already messed around with Spidey's insides too. Much to a woman's surprise who bought one and put it aside for a Christmas gift, Spidey started talking one night and was saying things that are normally spoken on a 900 number chat line. They believe some prankster at the factory may be behind this. So now, you may not find these things readily available either as they are being pulled off shelves for inspection. Hmmm? A joke, or a conspiracy?
Britney Spears and Kevin Federline? There's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said? These two were at a "Mexican Standoff" anyway both personally and professionally. K-Fed's debut CD released on Halloween has thus far sold an astonishing 5,000 copies. One Eminem is enough...we don't need two! Britney hasn't been on her two feet for nearly two years. The Country Bumpkin' has been laying on her back in bed while her mentor Madonna keeps moving ahead. K-Fed was like an anchor around her neck. Here's the advice Brit: Close up your legs for business and hit the studio. K-Fed: Forget the musical career. I'd say quit trying to wrestle John Cena in the WWE however, because you suck at even that too, there's a good chance you might get hurt for real. If not for the kids of yours Britney, you could come back and we'll pick up where we left off...on second thought...Nah!
One week later and my, how things have chinged in Washington. Less than 7 days ago, President Bush was still coming to the Defense of Secretary of Defense Donal Rumsfeld. Kind of ironic, isn't it? Now today, Bush had a press conference to tell the world that he an Rummy agreed that their relationship isn't working. C'mon, get real! Did Rumsfeld even have anything to say about this? Rumor has it thatbefore signing with San Diego, former Cubs Manager Dusty Baker was approached by President Bush who hinted that the war in Iraq needs to head in a new direction. Missed, will be Rummy's wit and sense of humor. He found a silver lining in every cloud. Rummy even made us chuckle when the twin towers were still smoking. He's already signed a contract with MSNBC where except for Keith Oberman and Chris Matthews, he'll be a news anchor for 14 hours everyday.
All this stuff is going on at a time where the complexion of the Universe is rapidly changing during this week. Planet Mercury is crossing directly through the path of the Sun. This last happened three years ago. This time however, the magnetic force of the sun and the closeness of Mercury is more critical. It is feared that as soon as Monday evening, Mercury will be sucked into the center of the Sun in an explosion that will be seen on Earth as simply a solar flare. Such an event had been predicted for hundreds of years as the planets inch closer to the big star. That will leave Venus as the only buffer between us and the Sun. It is expected that our planet will suffer the same fate Astronomers say, on April 13th 2021. Rock On!