HERE is where you'll find another failed attempt to improve your television viewing habits this Fall!
When it comes to turning lemons into lemonade, consider Disney owned ABC an expert in the art. In an ambitious and aggressive marketing campaign kicked into high gear today, the concept of "less is more" is the main element to what is thrown together for your enjoyment
Reality based programming is still alive and kicking with no signs of slowing down anytime so
on, and game shows are also returning to the Fall schedule. ABC is rather confident that taking ideas from foreign television and putting an "American" twist on them will be their moneymaker. I guess there aren't enoughidiots here in the U.S. to dream up these crazy ideas on their own??!!
When it comes to turning lemons into lemonade, consider Disney owned ABC an expert in the art. In an ambitious and aggressive marketing campaign kicked into high gear today, the concept of "less is more" is the main element to what is thrown together for your enjoyment
Reality based programming is still alive and kicking with no signs of slowing down anytime so

One of ABC's most successful original programs may very well be Jimmy Kimmel Live! The network bosses have stuck behind this show from the beginning and took it from being a ratings disaster to a number one draw in it's time slot. That is, until Jay Leno confirmed his decision to leave NBC soon. All of a sudden, the steam has been knocked out of Jimmy and his future remains uncertain, all depending on the prospects of Leno coming to work at ABC. To add insult to injury, Kimmel and his long time gal pal, Sarah Silverman have recently broken up. Even on his worst nights, a phone call to Silverman would result in an impromptu guest appearance. Then there's Kimmel's
"Cousin Sal" who is rumored to branch out and do his own show on another network. When bad comes to worse, Kimmel could always rely on Andy Dick to come on and stagger around aimlessly for ten minutes and then pass out. Andy is in rehab again and although chances are above average that he'll be in and out several more times before the end of the year, he's no longer a guaranteed booking. Here's hoping that everything works out for everyone in the end!

Also returning very soon is another season of Dancing With the Stars. DWTS kept the dancers of the new season under wraps until today. Th
ankfully, I think America is growing tired of this circus act. Added to the lineup this time around are Lance Bass, Cloris Leachman, Susan Lucci, and what may be the show's "death blow", Ted McGinley. Their choice to add him as a dancer makes the future of the show a risky gamble in Las Vegas. He's usually added to the cast of any show to finally put it out of it's misery. Has DWTS "Jumped the shark"? We'll find out
soon enough.

One of my few guilty pleasures of "Prime Time TV" happens to be Supernanny because I don't think there's a family anywhere with kids that are just THAT BAD.
"Jo" The Nanny, is a miracle worker to say the least. Taking on a family of six kids all under the age of ten and a year apart is no big deal to her. They can crayola all the walls and hang from the ceiling fans and within a matter of days they're all sitting at the dinner table saying "please" and "thank you". It's AMAZING! So, now that we know that show is a major hit, what would happen if we take the same show and have a man do the dirty work? It works well in England and they hope it will work here when Supermanny is added to the schedule as a "replacement" show following the death of whatever show comes first on the Nielsen Hit List. There's a 99.9% chance you'll be seeing this British import sooner than later! HERE is where you'll supposedly find it all, or so they say. Thank God again for a thing called "Cable".
"Jo" The Nanny, is a miracle worker to say the least. Taking on a family of six kids all under the age of ten and a year apart is no big deal to her. They can crayola all the walls and hang from the ceiling fans and within a matter of days they're all sitting at the dinner table saying "please" and "thank you". It's AMAZING! So, now that we know that show is a major hit, what would happen if we take the same show and have a man do the dirty work? It works well in England and they hope it will work here when Supermanny is added to the schedule as a "replacement" show following the death of whatever show comes first on the Nielsen Hit List. There's a 99.9% chance you'll be seeing this British import sooner than later! HERE is where you'll supposedly find it all, or so they say. Thank God again for a thing called "Cable".
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