August 12, 2008

"Chef cooks up one last dish!"

"They would have wanted it this way. (OK, maybe not Isaac Hayes)" The entertainment world lost two of it's very own this past weekend and I would really feel lousy to overlook either one. The first one to cash in his chips was Isaac Hayes. Old folks like me will best remember him for his early 1970's when his song "Shaft" drom the movie of the same name, made it to the top of the charts. Don't kid yourself...this guy put out a lot of records since then and always had a large following. Women especially loved his deep baritone voice and found him "Sex-ay". All the whippersnappers out there can probably remember his contribution as the voice of "Chef" on Comedy Central's South Park. Hayes was always more than happy to lampoon himself in the cartoon however, he blew a gasket when writers of the show decided to poke fun at his religious beliefs. He was a Scientologist. After demanding a public apology that never came to be, Hayes packed up his stuff and left the show. His final "commercial" appearance came in the way of singing a jingle for Burger King. It was always believed that fellow Scientologist Tom Cruise had advised Hayes to quit the show regardless of who apologized. Hayes agreed that continuing on would cause L. Ron Hubbard to burn his soul for all eternity once he died and lived his final days under a dark cloud of dispair until he succombed to death on his own terms by suffering a fatal heart attack. Never the less, he will be missed. Now SHUT YOUR MOUTH!
What were you doing when you learned that Bernie Mac died? I was at home watching the news and hearing about Isaac Hayes dying when they snuck this one in. Bernie Mac was a guy with medical problems -LOTS! To hear the Chicago comedian was resting in the hospital never surprised me but this time, his stay was kept somewhat of a secret. All the tabloid/gossip shows worked overtime to find out where he was and what was wrong with the guy. Towards the end they say he had pneaumonia and THAT'S what killed him. I'm not so sure. This is where people tend to disagree with me. He was a workaholic who was always on the move and coming up with new projects. The truth is, his movies stunk. He was the black man's answer to "Ernest" in that he was always fumbling and goofing around on screen like an idiot. Not to mention, he had a thing for taking old scripts from classic movies and re-tooling them over to include a cast made up entirely of his family and friends.. If you or someone you know bought Bernie's rip-offs of Caddyshack and National Lampoon's Vacation on DVD and under different titles, can you honestly say that you ever broke the seal and took off the wrapper? Bernie Mac's movies take up nearly a whole aisle at Best Buy and usually sell three for $10.00. Bernie's show on Fox wasn't funny either. Seinfeld went off the air ten years ago and Bernie was one of the lucky ones that got a show later on when every comedian funny or not, man or woman, white, black or Mexican were given their own show. Now that's not to say that Bernie wasn't funny. You set the guy loose on HBO for an hour and he'd have you laughing. Too bad not everyone is lucky enough to have cable. Well, Bernie was a family man and earned an honest living too. Like many funny comedians, Bernie's death was untimely and for what it's worth, God bless him too!

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