July 15, 2008

"Trimming the fat off of Jared's meaty contract?"

Jared's belly gets "called on the carpet" as he gets warned, "shape up, or ship out!" ...It was 10 years ago that an unknown twenty-something Jared Fogle pulled the nation's heartstrings with his weight loss success story. Here was an average guy with the exception of his 60" waist, big belly, high blood pressure, and borderline diabetes. Jared managed to lose a large amount of weight on a fast food diet consisting solely of Subway Sandwiches, and the popular restaurant franchise was quick to make Fogle their poster boy until now. For the last decade, he's been on a "Subway" ride that has made him a household name. All that Jared had to do to keep the gravy train rolling was travel across America and meet with hungry diners, pose for photos, and sign autographs. More recently however, Jared's print ads have been somewhat discouraging...it seems as though all those foot long lunches and dinners are expanding his waistline and "Subway" ad executives are starting to question the elastcity of his contract. It seems as though Jared Fogle's star may be fading. In the first photo above released two weeks ago, we see Jared ten years ago post-weight loss side by side with Jared today. You don't need to have 20/20 vision to see that Jared is gaining weight. Nobody is sure if he knows it however, his wife, and more importantly, "Subway" know it. One thing he probably doesn't know is that while touring all of their stores, "Subway" is using Jared as a talent scout to replace himself! Maybe if "Shakey's" out in California does tv ads, they can hook Jared up with a new deal for them, kind of like the old "Pets.com" sock puppet. The camera crews aren't following Jared around everywhere he eats so "Subway" can't prove his honesty or loyalty however, "Subway" hasn't been honest with us the last decade either. Do you think Jared lost all that weight from eating a big sandwich stuffed with lunsheon meats full of sodium and topped off with oil and mayo twice a day, EVERY DAY? Nope. It was only six inch veggie subs on wheat with no trimmings...In other words, picture a clump of crabgrass between two slices of wheat bread. If anything, Jared should feel lucky to be alive. He bounced back a lot faster than that guy that ate at McDonald's for 30 days. In any event, the photos of new "everyday folk" are trickling through the office and it's all up to how Jared plays his cards. Anyway, he should've known he was under the microscope after the last board meeting when shareholders asked him when the last time was that he saw his private parts!

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