January 13, 2007

"When the light comes on, fasten your seatbelt!"

  • If you're planning a trip anywhere in North America, don't be a dope and hop on a plane instead, consider driving to your destination. Now, since 9/11 the airline industry hasn't exactly lived up to all the promises it once gave us. Practically every airline has been affected by cuts in staff, bankruptcies, and mergers. This crock of baloney is good enough for me to stay away from the airport. Imagine if you will, a Southwest Airline's ground crew where half of the employees get the pink slip. Whoever is left is told to move quicker and do their job as well as someone elses. This is where mistakes are made, and in the aviation industry, things are black and white with no room for error. Here's a couple examples of what happens when you "trim the fat".
  • Chicago's Midway Airport which enjoys much success as an alternative to O'Hare allows pilots to do pretty much whatever they want. For example, who can forget about the Southwest Airliner that went for a ride down Cicero Ave. for a block or two? In the midst of it all, the nose of the plane managed to hit a car and kill a little boy. The flight crew was clueless about what happened.
  • Midway Airport again...the other day, an elderly lady who went to bed at 9:00 was suddenly awakened by a loud noise and insulation raining down on her head. After getting out of bed to investigate, a disc shaped object was at the foot of her bed. Glowing red hot, the lady decided to pick it up anyway and severely burned her hands. (Good thing to remember...if something comes through your roof and is glowing red, it's not too smart to waltz over to pick it up with your bare hands!), As it turns out, that particular part broke off of a twin engine plane which landed at Midway. Although nothing was reported, knowing that something had happened was good enough reason for the pilot to ditch the plane in an airplane hanger until things "blow over".

Now THAT'S something to think about!