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- After what seemingly came across as just another ordinary Christmas, we lost some people who were oh so dear to our hearts...
- Gerald Ford-Richard Nixon really was a crook and this guy was named as President to "clean up the mess". He's been called "The accidental President", a bafoon, and a horse's ass. All this name calling and mud slingling comes to a halt when Ford drops dead. All of a sudden he's a great American President! Chevy Chase hit the nail on the head with his Ford impression on SNL with him stumbling out of Airforce One and falling down the stairs. Everyone has nothing but a kind word to say about Ford. Too bad he wasn't around to hear any of it. He'll forever be known as the man that gave a pardon to Richard Nixon after Watergate.
- Lionel is dead. The former Jeffersons star and creator of Good Times left us a few weeks ago due to complications from throat cancer. The 57 year old Mike Evans guarantees no reunion for the cast.
- James Brown really IS dead. OK, this guy may have been a musical genius however, he had a suitcase full of marijuana, vicadin, crack, and crystal meth when he went on tour. An old man like that should be ashamed of himself...then again, there's nothing to be ashamed of when your dead and buried.
Finally, how about Saddam? I thought a good way to go was jumper cables on his balls! More to come as we break into the NEW YEAR!