Now that the name switch is official, even before September 11th arrives, I have a message for the people who may have stumbled onto here thru a Yahoo! or Google search. You see, The Squealing Pig Worldwide shares a name with at least two watering holes in Boston and Denver. We are NOT connected with these dives. After doing some research online about these two dumps, I can tell you what you CAN'T expect from this Squealing Pig...
- Sure, dollar pitchers of Miller Lite are a bargain, but for these two bars a half pitcher of beer and another half of water is also a good deal ...for them!
- We're not going to go to Safeway or the A & P to pick up a dozen Tombstone pizzas and then comb the alleys behind Italian restaurants looking for empty pizza boxes with a fancy name so we can jack up the price and make you think you're getting the real McCoy. Hell, there's no pizza here at all!
- With this Squealing Pig you can use your own crapper when you gotta go. You don't have to worry about "hovering" over the toilet because you're worried about getting some kind of STD!
- We're not going to "Buddies for life". In other words, as the case may be with the two bars, we won't be doing shots of Rumplminze while I grab your girlfriend's breasts HOWEVER, if she's really that HOT, e-mail me a photo so I can put it on file for a rainy day.
Well, there you have it folks. We're not a bar...we're a blog. If you do happen to stop in at one of these places, make sure you shake all the roaches out of your clothes before you enter the house!