June 26, 2007
"You won't read this in the paper or see it on TV{

June 25, 2007
"Tank gets tanked and so does G.W. Bush?" Hmmm

"Some Tums to handle THIS spice and If it ain't broke, call Leonardo DeCaprio to make it broke!"

June 24, 2007
"Which of the Clinton's gets whacked?"

"Larry's coup to chew the fat", and "A big Shaq attack!"

June 23, 2007
"A few odds and ends from this past week"
- THE WEATHER CHANNEL COMES TO CD? That's right. People have been ecstatic over the music played in the backround during the local forecast. Now TWC is going to slap these songs on disc and sell it to you for $16.00. Oh, there's nothing more soothing than the sound of Kenny G. I've got a better idea...how about scrapping that silly idea and concentrate on an accurate forecast?
- THE PARTY'S OVER...MAYBE. Tuesday is supposed to be the big day that Paris Hilton gets out of jail. All this while pal Nicole Richie's fate hangs in the balance as she awaits word of a possible jail sentence of her own. This whole thing has spun out of control. I say they both get locked up together FOR LIFE!
- AIN'T THAT A KICK IN THE HEAD? It's time to put a new spin on a classic Dean Martin tune. One or two people happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time the other day at a Six Flags amusement park in Kentucky when a clear blue sky began to rain feet. The "superman" thrill ride delivered on it's promise to make the ride a memorable experience. A 13 year old girl had her feet severed by a cable on the ride that drops some 50 mph in a freefall. The kid was a good sport about the whole thing. After the state of shock went away, she picked up both of her feet and got back in line to try it again!
- BILL AND HILLARY SOPRANO? Satire, or a sneak peek at the future? In an effort to reach out to the 18 to 25 year old "first time" voter, Hillary had her people write a political ad that lampoons "The Sopranos". Husband Bill even joined in kind of looking as if he was out of his element. I'm sure that somewhere, someplace, there's a wax museum with Bill Clinton on display. It probably has more of a pulse than what's in the commercial. Already the ad is taking heat...a LOT of heat. Some people don't see the humor in the spot, and many more folks are scared as hell. Should Hillary become President next year, we have to worry about Tony Soprano and "Big Pussy" knocking on our door if you're late with filing your taxes. Meanwhile, we need not worry about Bill or Hillary heading to Hollywood. You can check out these wannabe thespians in the popular commercial on youtube.com.
June 22, 2007
"Three cheers for these Queers, and other tall tales"

- Here we go...first things first on this Friday afternoon,,,Paris Hilton is holding her own in jail. This poor kid. Everyday the folks at the jailhouse make Paris strip nude. They pick her up like a bowking ball and examine everything with an opening. Paris hasn't even yet put in two weeks and has been a pain in the ass, The word today is, Paris isn't to crazy about the oatmeal and peanut butter and jelly. Her Attorney says this is a bunch of crapola and Paris is ready to blow away with the next strong wind.
- Tank Johnson of the Chicago Bears...Oh yeah, the heat was on him earlier this year when his bodyguard got shot in a nightclub and police found guns at his home. When his brief prison visit came to a close, a 6 to 8 game suspension in the upcoming season would be in the cards. About a month ago, Johnson went on television and claimed his life was now devoted to Jesus. That may be so...Jesus turned water into wine however, Seagram's gin wasn't around 2000 years ago. He was told not to screw up anymore but, swerving all over the road and going 20 miles over the limit...well, it ain't looking good. The most puzzling thing about this is the police stating it will be two to three weeks before the blood test results are in. That's plenty of time to play around with the sample. Johnson isn't carrying the team. Matter of fact, I say to Lovie, quit being so "lovie dovie" and cut the guy loose. A big distraction to say the least.
- Be gay, be proud and say it loud! Sunday in Chicago is the annual "Gay Pride Parade". I mention this only because the media has welcomed this event with open arms. This may as well be the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. WGN is covering this event. Consider this to be a big cesspool of sexually transmitted diseases. I'd turn the thing on in a heartbeat if I were guaranteed some "lipstick lesbians"...No such luck. All I'll get is Rosie O'Donnell and Ellen Degeneris. My advice to all gays is, if you're male, never mind a Trojan,,,use a sock. Women...Oh, I can't say it.
June 21, 2007
"Abraham Lincoln was a bold face liar!"

June 19, 2007
"What a STEAL!"

June 18, 2007
"The 2007 Squealing Pig Worldwide giveaway"

June 17, 2007
"MLB, UFC, or WWE?" Maybe all three.

Another Squealing Pig Worldwide Investigation. As we readily approach the end of June, it's time to take a look at America's "favorite pastime". Those who know me know that The White Sox and St. Louis Cardinals have always been my favorites. I had dreamed of a World Series between The Sox and The Cards however, this time around it's "not in the cards". Having said that, I'll pick on The Chicago Cubs. After Dusty Baker got pushed out the Chicago Tribune's revolving door, Cubs management picked up the horn and called Lou Paniella to come to the rescue. Remember his press conference after Christmas where while wearing a Cubs jersey and ball cap promised Chicagoland that the Cubs will make it to the World Series? He said if he couldn't do the job that he'd retire. I hope he's got a big nest egg in the bank because it won't happen this year either.
The Fight Club on Waveland Avenue. OK. These guys are all fired up and ready to swing that wood. Do they do it? Nope. All this angst and energy has been used to physically fight one another in the clubhouse or on the field. Now, a lot of people are putting the blame on Lou just because he likes to swear at umpires like a sailor or kick sand over the shoes of any official that crosses his path. Truth is, there's actually a website that's devoted to getting Lou fired that I stumbled upon today. If these guys want to fight and beat the hell out of one another, let them go nuts. Matter of fact, rather than beat the crap out of someone in the dugout or on the field, let these guys moonlight on Ultimate Fighting or change that silly commercial McDonald's has with The Cubs and Sox pulling pranks on each other. The whole thing ought to done solely with Cubs players
Finally, I hate to admit it BUT...Although there won't be a Cubs World Series this year, they're inching closer. Maybe Ozzie Guillen ought to encourage The Sox to beat the snot out of everyone. It might help their second to last place standings. Yeah, there may be a lot of Three Stooges antics of hitting and slapping, The Cubs are still better than the Cards or Sox...as of this moment.
June 16, 2007
"Bob Barker's finale, stuck with an American flag, and no escaping THIS sleeperhold!"

- OK, here's my two cents worth about the retirement of "Price is Right" host Bob Barker, I said before that Bob had class. Unfortunately for him, that all got flushed down the crapper. For whatever reason, Friday's airing of his final show ended like a wet firecracker. No standing ovations, no weeping like a baby with a wet diaper, not even a sheet cake from Entemann's. He signed off as if he'll be back on Monday. Although Bob Barker has his name on the studio doors and had every chance to address the audience, Bob was speechless and carried on like it was just another day. When all was said and done, Barker wasted no time talking to all the newsmagazine shows and cast his vote for a replacement...Rosie O'Donnell. Is Barker forgetting to take his medication or is he taking too much? Bob has been a close friend of Rosie over the years and told Entertainment Tonight that her situation with "The View" was a "tragedy. A really, really bad thing to happen to such a nice woman." If this is the way it's going to be, I'm not watching anymore. Rosie can come back on television as long as it's on one of those gay and lesbian cable channels. If I had to choose an annoying person with a big mouth, I'd pick Roseanne Barr. Luckily, the word is that CBS isn't ready to award a woman a hosting role on a game show. Hip Hip Hooray! BREAKING NEWS SUNDAY 1:28 am. It seems as though Bob's retirement may be quicker than a heart attack. Just like every old man who worked his whole life, Bob's been home for no more than a week and he's already tired of playing shuffleboard. He already told CBS brass that if they can't find a replacement or the person they choose turns out to be a dud, he'd be happy as a clam to come back to the show. Does he already miss the show? I think he misses the opportunity to feel up the breasts of the models on the show.
- Before you know it, 4th of July will be knocking on our doors, and that's where the stars and stripes come in. I've got a flag that has been exposed to all the elements and now looks like it was taken from Ground Zero on 9/11. What to do with this ripped and faded flag? Surely I can't put that out on display for the 4th. I was just going to take the thing and wrap it in newspaper before throwing it in the garbage. I was told I can't do such a thing...you see, there are rules that explain to dummies like me how you need to treat the flag with respect. Yeah, I know the correct ways to display the flag on a building or pole. Here's what beats the hell out of me: They say that a flag must be disgarded by giving it to a VFW Hall where they'll have a half an hour ceremony with veterans who will light all the flags in a garbage can on fire. They also say that if the flag falls on the ground, you're supposed to have it destroyed. Let me tell you something...I got my flag for $6.00 at Home Depot and the tag says it was made in China. I guess Americans can't stitch together stars and stripes. While working in a Chinese sweatshop for twenty five cents a day, how many flags do you suppose fall on the floor? They don't send all the "rejects" back to America so the VFW can burn them. Heck, they probably put a stick on a bad flag and use it to mop the floor. The new flags have an extra star that can be sewn on later. This represents Mexico, our 51st state.
- Finally, sad news from the Sports Entertainment world...Former WWE and WCW valet/manager/wrestler Sherri Martel died. Best known for her close ties with Randy "Macho Man" Savage and The Ultimate Warrior, she used the personnas "Sherri Martel", "Sensational Sherri", and "Medusa". She had been off television since WCW went out of business several years ago.
June 10, 2007
"The Paris Watch II"

Anyway, after consideration, Miss Hilton has decided that kicking and screaming about jail is pretty much a lost cause. Time to swallow that bitter pill. 45 days will go by quicker than a $2 whore on a Saturday night. Here's the scoop from Paris herself about jailtime thus far..."I decided that I'm done fighting. There will be no more appeals from me. I made a mistake and must serve my time. I've learned a lot while I've been here and expect to learn more. I'm going to walk away from this experience fresh and clean" Oh, by the way, violated by six women at the same time. Here's to ya Paris.
June 09, 2007
"A DUI for Shrek?"

June 08, 2007
"An unlucky number, Looking for a quick buck,The end of Bob, AND from Costanza to Spooner."